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Demonstrate the Practical Application of Generative AI using working code snippets

Writer's picture: Srijon MandalSrijon Mandal

Updated: Dec 24, 2024

What is Generative AI ?

Generative AI is a class of artificial intelligence systems that can create new content. This can include text, images, music, and other types of data. 

Key Ideas of Generative AI

  1. Creating New Stuff: Think of generative AI as an incredibly smart and creative tool. It can write stories, draw pictures, compose music, and even design new products. It’s like having an artist, writer, and inventor all rolled into one, powered by a computer.

  2. Learning from Examples: Generative AI learns by studying lots of examples. For instance, if you wanted it to create new paintings, you'd show it thousands of pictures. It analyzes these to understand styles, colors, and shapes, and then uses that knowledge to make its own art.

How It Works

  1. Neural Networks: These are computer systems inspired by the human brain. They process information in a way that's somewhat similar to how we do, helping the AI learn and create.

  2. Training: The AI is trained on large datasets. If you want it to generate text, you feed it lots of books, articles, and other writings. It picks up on language patterns and styles from these examples.

  3. Generation: Once trained, the AI can produce new content. For text, you might give it a starting sentence, and it will continue writing. For images, it might generate a completely new picture based on the styles it has learned.

Everyday Examples

  • Text Generation: Tools like chatbots or writing assistants use generative AI to produce human-like text. They can help with drafting emails, writing articles, or even creating poetry.

  • Image Creation: AI can create new artwork, design clothing, or even generate realistic photos of people who don't exist (like in deepfakes).

  • Music Composition: Generative AI can compose original music, producing new songs that sound like they were created by a human musician.

Generative AI Environment

We can experiment with Generative AI using the API provided by all the Cloud. 

In this specific experiment, Azure Cloud was chosen as the Development Environment.

First a resource group and then a workspace need to be created inside Azure.

Next the Azure ML Instance should be created for developing Notebook.

Next the required Text, Audio and Video file data need to be stored in corresponding Datasets.

Generative AI R&D performed in Azure Environment

Generative AI Analysis Techniques

Advanced AI Technologies are used for Text Analysis
  • OpenAI Prompt Engineering and Whisper: For processing and understanding natural language inputs and converting speech to text with high accuracy.

  • Hugging Face Transformer and OpenAI for Emotion Detection: To interpret emotional states from text, providing insights into the patient's mental state.

  • Emotion Detection from Video using YOLOv7 and PyTorch: To analyze facial expressions and body language from video data, offering another layer of emotional and symptomatic analysis.

Application of AI for Prescriptive Analytics:

  • ML Algorithms will be used to perform predictions and generate recommendations.

AI-driven Knowledge Management:

  • Open-AI and RAG based Virtual Agent: It assists researchers and medical professionals by answering queries related to the patient data and broader schizophrenia research, facilitating an interactive, learning-enhanced environment.

Generative AI Notebook Setup

Once the Azure ML Studio instance is up and running in your workspace, its time to create the Notebooks.

Generative AI Programming Examples

Here goes the Example for analyzing sample Audio data in Azure Notebook

  • In this example, 

  • we import required dependencies, create an instance of MLClient, 

  • read the dataset into a data frame, 

  • create a batch deployment endpoint 

  • perform inference

  • store the prediction result

  • terminate the inference cluster

# Import packages used by the following code snippets

import csv

import json

import os

import requests

import time

import pandas as pd

from import Input, MLClient

from import AssetTypes

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential, InteractiveBrowserCredential

from import (







from azure.identity import (





from import AmlCompute

import time


   credential = DefaultAzureCredential()


except Exception as ex:

   credential = InteractiveBrowserCredential()

ml_client = MLClient(






# the models, fine tuning pipelines and environments are available in the AzureML system registry, "azureml"

registry_ml_client = MLClient(credential, registry_name="azureml")

model_name = "openai-whisper-large"

model_version = "10"

foundation_model = registry_ml_client.models.get(model_name, model_version)


   f"Using model name: {}, version: {foundation_model.version}, id: {} for inferencing."


audio_urls_and_text = [

   (row["row"]["audio"][0]["src"], row["row"]["text"]) for row in testdata["rows"]


test_df = pd.DataFrame(data=audio_urls_and_text, columns=["audio", "text"])

# Define directories and filenames as variables

dataset_dir = "librispeech-dataset"

test_datafile = "test_100.csv"

batch_dir = "batch"

batch_inputs_dir = os.path.join(batch_dir, "inputs")

batch_input_file = "batch_input.csv"

os.makedirs(dataset_dir, exist_ok=True)

os.makedirs(batch_dir, exist_ok=True)

os.makedirs(batch_inputs_dir, exist_ok=True)


   "display.max_colwidth", 0

# Set the max column width to 0 to display the full text


batch_df = test_df[["audio", "language"]]

# Divide this into files of 10 rows each

batch_size_per_predict = 10

for i in range(0, len(batch_df), batch_size_per_predict):

   j = i + batch_size_per_predict


       os.path.join(batch_inputs_dir, str(i) + batch_input_file), quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL


# Check out the first and last file name created

input_files = os.listdir(batch_inputs_dir)

print(f"{input_files[0]} to {str(i)}{batch_input_file}.")

compute_name = "test-cpu-cluster"

compute_cluster = AmlCompute(


   description="An AML compute cluster",





# 120 seconds


# Endpoint names need to be unique in a region, hence using timestamp to create unique endpoint name

timestamp = int(time.time())

endpoint_name = "speech-recognition-" + str(timestamp)

endpoint = BatchEndpoint(


   description="Batch endpoint for "


   + ", for automatic-speech-recognition task",



deployment_name = "demo"

deployment = BatchDeployment(










   retry_settings=BatchRetrySettings(max_retries=3, timeout=600),



endpoint = ml_client.batch_endpoints.get(endpoint_name)

endpoint.defaults.deployment_name = deployment_name


endpoint = ml_client.batch_endpoints.get(endpoint_name)

print(f"The default deployment is {endpoint.defaults.deployment_name}")

input = Input(path=batch_inputs_dir, type=AssetTypes.URI_FOLDER)

job = ml_client.batch_endpoints.invoke(, input=input


scoring_job = list([0], download_path=batch_dir, output_name="score"


predictions_file = os.path.join(batch_dir, "named-outputs", "score", "predictions.csv")

# Load the batch predictions file with no headers into a dataframe and set your column names

score_df = pd.read_csv(



   names=["row_number_per_file", "prediction", "batch_input_file_name"],



input_df = []

for file in input_files:

   input = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(batch_inputs_dir, file), index_col=0)


   input["batch_input_file_name"] = file

   input.reset_index(names=["row_number_per_file"], inplace=True)


input_df = pd.concat(input_df)

input_df.set_index("index", inplace=True)

input_df = input_df.join(test_df.drop(columns=["audio", "language"]))


df = pd.merge(

   input_df, score_df, how="inner", on=["row_number_per_file", "batch_input_file_name"]


# Show the first few rows of the results




Sentiment Analysis, keyword Extraction and Summarization using OpenAI

Here goes a detailed example for performing all types of text analysis using OpenAI. 

User needs to provide the sample text content.


    print("Review Content: {}".format(review_content))

    # Use GPT-4 to classify the sentiment of the review content.

    response1 =




            "role": "user",

            "content": "Classify the sentiment of the following review content following categories: \

      categories: [Negative, Netural, Positive]\n\nreview content : " + review_content + "\n\nClassified sentiment:",




    classified_sentiment = response1.choices[0].message.content.replace(" ", "")

    # print("Classified Sentiment of Review Content: {}".format(classified_sentiment))

    print("Sentiment Classified")


    # Use GPT-4 to find the different tones on the review content.

    response2 =




            "role": "user",

            "content": "Based on the review content, find all the different tones with scores (out of 100). Show the scores in a json \

            which has a structure [{'tone': .., 'score': ...},{'tone': .., 'score': ...},.. ] \

            where 'tone' is the name of the key field and 'score' is the name of the value field:" \

      + review_content + "\n\nEmotional Tones:",




    emotional_tones = response2.choices[0].message.content.replace("\n","").replace(".","")

    print("Emotional Tones Generated")


    # Use GPT-4 to summarize the given content.

    response3 =




            "role": "user",

            "content": "Based on the review content, find the key intents in maximum 5 keywords:" \

      + review_content + "\n\nIntent Keywords:",




    summarized_keywords = response3.choices[0].message.content.replace("\n","").replace(".","")


    # print("Summarize 3 Keywords from the Review Content: {}".format(summarized_keywords))

    print("Intent Keywords Generated")


    # Append the insights result into a list.

    review_content_list.append([review_content, classified_sentiment, emotional_tones, summarized_keywords])

# Convert the list of insights into a Pandas dataframe.

review_content_df = pd.DataFrame(review_content_list, columns=['review_content', 'classified_sentiment', 'emotional_tones','intent_keywords'])


Audio Analysis using OpenAI Whisper Model

Following code shows how to transcribe the Audio data


from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key_string)

file_path = "/Users/kaniska/Downloads/test.wav"

audio_file= open(file_path, "rb")

transcription =





import librosa

waveform, sample_rate = librosa.load(file_path, sr=None) 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

time_axis = librosa.times_like(waveform, sr=sample_rate)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))

plt.plot(time_axis, waveform)

plt.title('Waveform of Audio')

plt.xlabel('Time (s)')


content_prompt = "Extract keywords from this text:\n\n"+str(transcription.text)

response =




    {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant designed to output JSON."},

    {"role": "user", "content": content_prompt}




content_prompt = f"Please analyze the sentiment of the following text:{transcription.text}"

response =




      "role": "system",

      "content": "You will be provided with a text, and your task is to classify its sentiment as positive, neutral, or negative."



      "role": "user",

      "content": content_prompt







#sentiment = response.choices[0].content.strip().lower()



Translation using OpenAI Model

Following code shows how to use prompt and openai to analyze the transcription data generated from the above code


import whisper

options = whisper.DecodingOptions(language= 'en', fp16=False)

model = whisper.load_model('medium', ) 

target_language = "hindi"

#content_prompt = f"Translate the following text into {target_language}: {transcription.text}\n",

translation = model.translate(transcription, target_language)


content_prompt = f"{transcription.text}"

response =




      "role": "system",

      "content": "You will be provided with a text, and your task is to translate the text into Hindi."



      "role": "user",

      "content": content_prompt







#translated_text = response.choices[0].content.strip().lower()



Audio Waveform Analysis using HuggingFace Model

Following code shows how to use Huggingface library and model for Audio data analysis


from transformers import pipeline

pipe = pipeline("audio-classification", model="MIT/ast-finetuned-audioset-10-10-0.4593")

results = pipe(waveform, sample_rate=sample_rate)


pipe = pipeline("audio-classification", model="ehcalabres/wav2vec2-lg-xlsr-en-speech-emotion-recognition")

results = pipe(waveform, sample_rate=sample_rate)



Create a Chat Agent using Intelligent Prompts in Azure

Setup a Develop Environment in local Machine and Push Code to Azure

Provision a Virtual Machine and import Code from Github

  • one can download the .pem file and login to the remote VM using SSH

  • one can download the code from github into local machine and SCP to the remote VM

Learn More

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Blog which will discuss how to build an intuitive business application.

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